By inspiring our community to care for one another, our vision is a community where every older person in Rotherfield and surrounding areas, matters.
Rotherfield is a rural village and has a higher than average number of older residents, with over 25% of the local population being aged 65 and over. Most of the beneficiaries of our charity are within the age range 70 to 95, although anyone is welcome to join us.
There are poor transport links and reduced access to services for older people. We address the resultant isolation and loneliness by offering a weekly programme of regular activities, including trips out, social gatherings, learning new skills, clubs, exercise classes, therapies, signposting, befriending, a volunteer driver scheme, holiday at home scheme, hydrotherapy and more. In short, RSM provides practical support, friendship and comfort to any member who calls on us.
Our members tell us that they want and need to feel connected to their community and RSM provides the means to do so.
Our centre is open every week day between 9 and 5, for people to phone or drop in, have coffee and cake, borrow books from our library or take part in the many different clubs and activities on offer. We also offer members access to support services and can connect them with reputable local tradespeople, carers, neighbours and other useful networks. We currently have more than 220 members and are supported by more than 100 volunteers.
Our objectives…
- To support older residents to be active, involved and valued members of the community.
- To increase awareness of RSM’s work locally and across, and around, Wealden.
- To build a sustainable, diverse and financially resilient, community-led charity.
- To build a future proofed Community Hub that supports local residents and fosters social connections.
Rotherfield St Martin is a volunteer led charity dedicated to providing holistic support to older people living in our rural community. Our main focus is to prevent isolation and loneliness, by providing a range of physical and social opportunities every week, which are so important for maintaining health and wellbeing in later life.
Whilst the small team of staff manage the day to day operations, our amazing volunteers support and lead through innovative ways to ensure that every member feels valued and respected.
In 2024, RSM was awarded The Kings Award for Voluntary Service, recognising the importance of the contribution our volunteers make to our community.
The charity was founded in 2004 by Jo Evans, BEM at her home – St Martin (hence the name!). Jo firmly believed that with the right support from the community, older people could remain in their own homes, living independent and enjoyable lives. In 2013 Jo, our founder, was awarded a British Empire Medal for services to older people, accolades of which we are honoured and proud.
From humble beginnings, with a small group of folk meeting for weekly tea and buns in Jo’s front room, the charity has grown to a membership of over 250 members offering a wealth of activities and services each week to help combat isolation and loneliness and to promote good health.
Since our inception, we have received funds from sources such as Big Lottery Fund, Tudor Trust, Lloyds TSB and John Armitage, along with more local grants such as Wealden District and our local Parish Council.

Rotherfield St Martin – Board of Trustees
Our trustees are all volunteers and work closely with the office team to drive the charity forwards.
They hold quarterly board meetings and an annual planning day, to oversee the smooth running of the charity and to ensure RSM is meeting it’s objectives.
Leon Steer sits firmly at the helm with a wealth of experience of supporting all classes of older people, including the disadvantaged. Leon is very ably supported by the other trustees whose experience includes adult social care, medicine, human resources, accountancy, strategic planning, fundraising and legal arbitration.
- Leon Steer – Chair
- Mark Howard
- Matthew Pancaldi
- Melanie den Brinker-Darby
- Ruth Helliwell
- Sue Barnett
- Sue Taylor

Vicky Cheeseman, Charity Manager
Vicky took over the helm as Charity Manager in 2018. Vicky’s background is embedded in welfare and education. Vicky previously managed a local charity for 15 years before taking up the reins at Rotherfield St Martin. She has a passion for community life and all that it provides. Her ethos to life is “don’t be impressed by money, followers, degrees and titles. Be impressed by kindness, integrity, humility and generosity”

Sarah Jones, Charity Activities Coordinator
Sarah joined the RSM team in September 2020 having been an occasional volunteer for several years. She works four days a week, organising RSM activities and volunteer drives. Sarah brings a wealth of local experience to this role having volunteered as GSL at the Rotherfield Scout Group and Chair of Rotherfield Preschool committee previously. Prior to working for RSM, Sarah spent five years as the marketing manager for a software firm.

Iona Baily, Volunteer Coordinator and Dementia Champion
Iona joined the RSM team in August 2020 having volunteered as a Parish Pal during the first lockdown in 2020. She previously worked for Central & Cecil, a Not for Profit housing trust in London where she was responsible for training and mentoring professional carers. Upon joining RSM, Iona trained as a Dementia Champion and is determined to sign up local businesses and organisations to the Wealden Dementia Charter, and make Rotherfield a dementia friendly village.

Fiona Wilson, Charity Secretary
Fiona has dedicated her working life caring for others. Starting her working life as a Care for the Elderly nurse, followed by 18 years as a midwife and the last 15 years as a Early Years practitioner. Fiona therefore brings a wealth of experience and compassion for older people and her community

Lou Powell, Administration Officer
Lou joined the RSM team in May 2022 to provide support when our permanent staff are away and is now a permanent fixture! She also edits our two monthly newsletters – Money Matters and Beat the Scammers designed to help our members stay safe. Lou spent 22 years working for Local Government and, before then, worked for Eastbourne Lifeline and East Sussex Health Trust. Over the past few years she has been caring for her mother who has Alzheimer’s and is an active member of our Time to Talk group. Lou has a true passion to support our community.

Lindsay Holmwood, Charity Activities Co-Ordinator
Lindsay started volunteer driving for RSM in February 2022 after 32 years working in the finance industry and wanting to put her new found time to good use. She stepped in for Sarah whilst she was travelling in early 2023 and then in June 2023 joined the team on a permanent basis, job sharing with Sarah. Lindsay has lived and been involved in the Rotherfield and Crowborough area since she was 14 years old and feels privileged to be able to help support the community she knows so well.

Miss Tilly, Chief Meeter and Greeter
Miss Tilly is a Cavapoo (King Charles spaniel crossed with a poodle). She is our chief meeter and greeter and loves a little cuddle! She took over from Badger who is enjoying a leisurely retirement.
Please find below a list of our policies. Click on the link to download the most recently reviewed policy.
- Complaints Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Equal Opportunities
- Environmental Policy
- Ethical Fundraising Policy
- Financial Control Policy
- Fire Safety & Evacuation Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Information Sharing & GDPR Policy
- Lone Workers Policy
- Membership Policy
- Non Smoking Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Social Media Use Policy
- Volunteering Policy
- Volunteer Driver Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Working in Partnership with Others
Our volunteers make a huge contribution to our local community. They collectively give at least 165 voluntary hours each week through an array of roles.
Our volunteers are drivers, companions, cake bakers, newsletter delivery people, luncheon club team members, Rotherfield Repairers and activity co-ordinators. They come out on trips, serve coffee, make tea, cook lunches, unpick knitting, mend things, support unpaid carers through Time to Talk sessions, make friendship phone calls and generally help out. Almost half have also completed dementia awareness training.
We simply could not operate without them.
About Volunteering at RSM
RSM is committed to involving volunteers directly within the Charity to:
- Contribute to the delivery and continuity of services
- Make sure we are responsive to the needs of Members
- Provide different skills and perspectives
- Offer opportunities for community spirit to flourish
- Offer volunteering placements for students taking their Duke of Edinburgh awards
RSM recognises that voluntary work brings benefits to the volunteers themselves. We try to give our volunteers roles they enjoy and from which they derive some satisfaction to allow them to contribute fully to the Charity’s work.
If you would like to join our happy team please read our Volunteering Policy and contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator, Iona, for a chat and an application form.
Here’s what one of our volunteers wrote to us
“What a joy it has been to be a part of RSM for the last six months. Taking part in the wonderful clubs, sharing tea and cake in vast quantities, what an honour and a pleasure. If only every village and town had such an organisation, there would be few problems of loneliness and isolation left.” Cordelia
New to volunteering? Please watch our video as you start in your role – An Introduction to Volunteering at RSM.