Supermarket ‘feed it back’ Scheme

We participate in the supermarket “feed it back” program. Surplus food that would otherwise go to waste is collected from Lidl, Marks & Spencer and Morrisons and offered to our members for a donation. When: Mondays and Thursdays at the RSM Centre. We will put the board out to let you know when it has arrived. … Read more

Iona Baily, Volunteer Coordinator and Dementia Champion

Iona joined the RSM team in August 2020 having volunteered as a Parish Pal during the first lockdown in 2020.  She previously worked for Central & Cecil, a Not for Profit housing trust in London where she was responsible for training and mentoring professional carers.  Upon joining RSM, Iona trained as a Dementia Champion and … Read more

Sarah Jones, Charity Activities Coordinator

Sarah joined the RSM team in September 2020 having been an occasional volunteer for several years. She works four days a week, organising RSM activities and volunteer drives. Sarah brings a wealth of local experience to this role having volunteered as GSL at the Rotherfield Scout Group and Chair of Rotherfield Preschool committee previously. Prior … Read more

Vicky Cheeseman, Charity Manager

Vicky took over the helm as Charity Manager in 2018. Vicky’s background is embedded in welfare and education. Vicky previously managed a local charity for 15 years before taking up the reins at Rotherfield St Martin. She has a passion for community life and all that it provides. Her ethos to life is “don’t be … Read more

Not just about older people

And it’s not just about older people in our community. Through intergenerational work we bring young and old together to transform lives

Community hub

We provide a community hub where people can drop in for support, advice, or just talk

We take time

We take time to get to know member’s of our community so that we can offer targeted support

Volunteer led activities

We provide innovative, volunteer-led activities enabling older people to lead active and fulfilled lives